Loren Lummer is the 2024 Angler of the year.
In 1980 a small group of bass fishing guys started the Harris Bass Club which was open to Harris employees only. The first few years the club was a team only club. later when we opened the club up to others we wanted to change the name as well, Harry Kline came up with the winning name Bi-State Basser. In the late 80's and early 90's this was one of the most competitive clubs in the Quincy area. Our membership reached its capacity with people on the waiting list to join. Over the years numerous people have come and gone from the club, many have returned as well.
At the end of the day we're a group of people that genuinely love to fish. We want you to join us if you are not fishing in a club now or would like to fish with a great bunch of guys. You may say to yourself that you can’t join a bass fishing club because you don’t have a boat or you don’t know that much about bass fishing. Whatever the reason it can be overcome. You don’t need a boat, we have plenty and need non-boaters in our club. None of us knew much about bass fishing when we started (some still don’t), but I guarantee our guys can teach you as they fish with you. We have a great bunch of guys and you are only a stranger once. Come join us and get involved with our activities. The only thing that bites here are the fish.
Quincy, Illinois, United States